Airtime API, SMS API, Payment API (pesalink, airtel and Mpesa b2c, b2b, stk-push)

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Airtime Documentation

Recharges or tops up the airtime credit on your customer's phone from the float in your airtime account. The customer gets an airtime topup SMS confirmation on their phone on recharge.

This is accomplished by distributing a PayBill or BuyGoods number that customers can use to make payments from their cell phones. Once they make payment, a airtime purchase request is made and their account is credited.

Getting started

Getting started is easy. All you will need is an Airtime Product configuration in your Dibon's account. You can have as many products as you wish, and each will be linked to an Airtime provider through one of their payment channels (such as a Paybill or Buy Goods number).

Also you will need to provide us with the Safaricom Pinless Account Credentials if you have an account with them. If not, you still can use the service by connecting through Dibon's account.

The Safaricom Pinless Credentials are listed below.

Parameter Description Example
Bank’s or Dealer MSISDN All MSISDN should be in national dial format i.e. with out country code. (Primary Transaction Mobile Number / E-TOP UP line) 723456789
Bank’s or Dealer PIN PIN of the user 2452
Login ID Web Login ID of the Bank Mo_cce
Password Web Password of the Bank. (Dealer Web Password) 2468
EXTCODE External code of the Bank. Unique external code of the Bank defined in PreTUPS when creating it. (Dealer Code)
Make sure your dealer code is whitelisted on Safaricom end through your account manager

This documentation is intended to guide third party application developers interact with the Dibon Payments platform in an easy way using HTTP Post and JSON

Once completed, we send an Instant Transaction Notification to your callback URL for you to process the transaction. The response from the Dibon API will be a JSON object which the client application can process

The API request is made via HTTP POST to
All parameters below are compulsory. The parameters are:

Parameter Description Example
api_key This should match the api key that you have generated for your Dibon account here 2_aa67677e8bf1d4c8fe886a38c03a860
client_id This should match your account client ID 2
command_id Pass this as airtime airtime
phone_number Mobile phone number of the recipient of the airtime 0712345678
amount Amount of airtime to send to the recipient 150

API Response

Please note that in order to ensure that you do not miss any transaction notifications the instant they come onto our api, you will need to register a call back url that we will invoke whenever we receive a notification for your service transaction. This is done on your Dibon Account Airtime Call Back Section.

Every time a transaction status changes, we will forward you the following information as POST variables as outlined below as a JSON object

Parameter Description Example
request_id Dibon identifier for the transaction Dibon_3_1229929jns
phone_number Mobile number of the customer 254712345678
amount Amount of airtime to topup 150
third_party_trans_id The reference number as assigned by the mobile money provider HR8584JDJE
result_code The result code 100
result_desc This is the result Description from the service provider Success
transaction_time The date and time stamp of the transaction 2017-05-18 18:23:23
Balance Inquiry API Request
All parameters below are compulsory:

Parameter Description Example
api_key This should match the api key that you have generated for your Dibon account here 2_aa67677e8bf1d4c8fe886a38c03a860
client_id This should match your account client ID 2

Balance Inquiry API Response

Please note that when you make a call to the balance inquiry API will forward to you a JSON Object with the follwoing variables:

Parameter Description Example
float_balance Airtime balance for your account 524.00
result_code The result code 200
result_desc Result description of your request Success
date The date and time of the request 2019-09-10 13:22:28

Sample API Call

Sample API Response
              "transaction_time":"2017-05-18 18:23:23"  

Sample Balance Inquiry API Call
            "api_key": "hRUdPCE5uyl6R2U14P1DzHmtq9Va9tyldyatuQw739220181211100837",
            "client_id": "392"

Sample Balance Inquiry API Response
          "float_balance": "524.00",
          "result_code": "200",
          "result_desc": "Success",
          "date": "2019-09-10 13:22:28"