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Premium Rate SMS Documentation


Premium Rate SMS (also known as PSMS) is a simple way for consumers to pay for services and products via their mobile handsets. There is no need for time consuming registration or potentially unsafe credit card details being given; consumers are simply charged for sending and receiving a premium rate text message.

We offer a Mobile Billing platform to allow you to generate revenue using SMS.

Mobile Billing allows you to charge a premium for an SMS received by an end user from our platform. These will always originate from a 5 digit shortcode number such as 12345 or 21384 for example. Premium Rate SMS can be run on either shared or dedicated short codes, both of which we can provide.

Dedicated shortcodes would typically be used by customers wanting to run multiple services of their own, each with a different keyword. There is no limit to the number of keywords that can be used on a dedicated number.

Shared short codes is where a single shortcode is shared by multiple users each with their own keyword.

In order to send an end user a "premium rate SMS" they must first opt in by interacting with your premium service.

Benefits of Premium Rate SMS

Talk to us

If you would like to know more, please feel free to call us +254 792 745 510 or email us at and we will provide the best solution for you.

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